25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 9/22/24
Some thoughts on Wisdom… Dcn. Dave’s Homily:
Some thoughts on Wisdom… Dcn. Dave’s Homily:
We have a faith that is living! Cooperate with the Lord’s invasion of grace and foster a better world for all! On this 151st anniversary of our St. John School, see how students are learning to do just that! Also…find out more about the upcoming diocesan campaign, Stewardship for Saints and Scholars. Fr. Chas’ Homily:
In today’s Gospel, the Lord provides healing! Who can we bring to Jesus and the hope and healing he longs to give? Listen to the testimonies of those who received Sacraments of Initiation today after preparing through our OCIA classes! Fr. Chas’ Homily:
This Sunday we welcomed our Summer Mission Appeal priest, Fr. Dieudonne, who is originally from Burundi, Africa. Burundi is the poorest country in Africa, and he graciously asks our help in supporting the Grand Seminary there. An immediate goal is to supply a reliable power source to their campus using solar panels. Fr. Dieudonne’s … Continued
“This saying is hard; who can accept it?” John 6:60 When it comes to the Bread of Life discourse in John, Chapter 6, Jesus did not back down or back pedal; in fact, Jesus let those who doubted walk away in unbelief. If we have walked away from the Eucharistic table, it doesn’t have to … Continued