Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, 6/14/20


In the Eucharist, God’s plan is simple:  He wants to be with you!  In Communion, His body, blood, soul, and divinity is with us!  Where hearts are united, the bodies follow each other and never say good-bye. Fr. Brian’s homily:  

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, 6/7/20


Listen as Fr. Chas shares Conroy’s testimony and reminds us of the truth of this Holy Trinity Sunday: We are built for self-giving love.  Jesus shows us “how to be us” again, to live out what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God.  Church, let’s be a sign of hope … Continued

Pentecost Sunday, 5/31/20


Happy Pentecost!  Through water and fire, Baptism and Confirmation, we become the instruments of the Holy Spirit.  As we are set ablaze, we are called to set the world on fire! This Pentecost, open yourself to receive the graces of the Spirit that we might spread His love through the world! Fr. Brian, Video Homily: … Continued

The Ascension of the Lord, 5/24/20


Got patience?  Fr. Chas reflects on this fruit of the Holy Spirit in the midst of this time of difficulty and suffering.  On this, the Ascension of the Lord, as we await Pentecost, let us call on the Holy Spirit to fill us!   Fr. Chas’ Audio Homily:    

6th Sunday of Easter, 5/17/20

On this weekend when we celebrate our parish graduates from the Class of 2020, Fr. Brian reminds us all that we are not alone in our journey, even during tough times.  God has sent us an Advocate, the Holy Spirit to guide and bring us strength and hope!