Easter Sunday, 4/12/20


Fr. Chas encourages us to take heart!  What we “celebrate in this Easter season assures us that a new and resurrected life will result from our own time ‘in the tomb.’  You can be assured of this:  The Resurrection of Jesus leads to the Resurrection of His Church!  Jesus is our head, and the Church … Continued

Good Friday, 4/10/20


Fr. Brian’s powerful explanation of how Christ chose to “break” himself for us…

Prayer Around the Cross, 2014


If you’re missing your annual participation in the beautiful Prayer Around the Cross…or if you’ve never had the chance to go…here’s a recording from 2014 (2 parts):

Palm Sunday, 4/5/20


Fr. Brian’s homily delves into what his sister calls the “Lentiest Lent that we’ve ever Lented,” and he reflects on God’s design for this holy season of Lent and how we are called to enter into our own suffering, relying on the Lord’s mercy and grace.