5th Sunday of Lent
Listen as Fr. Chas uses the story of Lazarus to explain why we don’t always get what we desire or ask for! Fr. Chas’ Homily (audio): Fr. Chas’ Homily (video):
Listen as Fr. Chas uses the story of Lazarus to explain why we don’t always get what we desire or ask for! Fr. Chas’ Homily (audio): Fr. Chas’ Homily (video):
Open our eyes, Lord! Now, in the midst of “social distancing” due to the Coronavirus, is a great time to “reset.” Listen to Fr. Chas explain this Sunday’s Gospel message and the call that is right before us. Fr. Chas’ Homily:
With our parish theme of Hope & Healing, today’s homilies focus on the healing Sacrament of Reconciliation. Listen to how the story of the Samaritan woman ties to us, and how we, like her, can receive healing from wounds that affect our “interior life.” To read today’s Readings and Gospel, go to usccb.org/bible/readings/ Please don’t … Continued
Today Fr. Chas kicked off our 2020 5-4-1 Generosity Challenge and D.S.A. appeal, encouraging us to “fight the good fight” despite struggle and sacrifice! Visit our website at https://saintjohnjackson.org/giving/ to make a pledge. Fr. Chas’ homily:
Listen as Dcn. Dave and Fr. Brian prep us for our journey during this Lenten season! Dcn. Dave: Fr. Brian: