2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Do we, like John the Baptist, point others to Christ? How do we allow the light of Christ to shine through us? Listen to Fr. Chas’ and Fr. Brian’s homilies from this 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Fr. Chas: Fr. Brian:
Do we, like John the Baptist, point others to Christ? How do we allow the light of Christ to shine through us? Listen to Fr. Chas’ and Fr. Brian’s homilies from this 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Fr. Chas: Fr. Brian:
Listen to two stories of Fr. Chas’ recent mission trip to Mexico City’s garbage dump and of the great need we all have to be washed anew with the Lord’s healing. Fr. Chas:
On this Feast of the Epiphany, when God Incarnate reveals himself to the Magi who followed his prompting to travel long distances to find him, we are compelled to make a similar choice. How will we respond to God’s specific call to us? Fr. Brian: Fr. Jim:
Today we thank God for Mary! We “thank God that he has chosen one of us to bless all of us, so that in our turn, each one of us can also bless all of us.” Fr. Brian’s homily:
Listen to our homilies on this Sunday that we celebrate the Holy Family! Fr. Brian’s Homily: Dcn. Dave’s Homily: