4th Sunday of Advent


Listen to the inspiring and courageous story of Gavin Ashenden, former chaplain to the Queen of England, that tells why he became Catholic.   Fr. Chas:

3rd Week of Advent–Gaudete Sunday


This weekend’s homilies get us thinking about anticipation and joy, and we’re prompted to consider, “What’s your ’10 year prayer’?” Listen to Fr. Brian and Dcn. Mike… Fr. Brian: Dcn. Mike:  

2nd Sunday of Advent


Listen to how Navy SEAL Chief Byers, Medal of Honor recipient, can help us get ready for the coming of Christ! Fr. Chas’ homily:

1st Sunday of Advent


On this 1st Sunday of Advent, the messages are simple yet powerful:  “Awake from sleep!” and “Prepare…by asking the Father for his vision.” Fr. Brian’s homily: Fr. Jim’s homily: