4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Listen to our homilies this week as our Gospel picks up right where we left off last week! Fr. Chas’ Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Listen to our homilies this week as our Gospel picks up right where we left off last week! Fr. Chas’ Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Our Deacons’ preached this week as we start journeying with Jesus as He starts his ministry. How can you proclaim the deeds the Lord has done this week? Deacon Dave Etters: Deacon Mike McCormick
In this Sunday’s gospel, the Lord performs his first miracle, changing water into wine. Experience the Lord and his miraculous gift of love in our homilies this week! Fr. Chas’ Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily:
This Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord where we hear the words of the Father, “You are my beloved Son.” Listen to our homilies to learn how these words are meant for each one of us as well! Fr. Chas’ Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Listen to learn what is an Epiphany and how we can celebrate this event in our lives even now! Fr. Peter Ryan’s Homily: