profile_frchas_2Dear Parish Family,

With Lent beginning this Wednesday, I wanted to summarize the various new opportunities our parish will be offering for deeper conversion, for deepening our personal relationship with our Lord, and for discovering the giftedness that he uniquely bestows upon us to build up the kingdom of God.

As an extension of our “Soup and Salad” dinners from 5:00pm to 6:30pm, we will have “Faith Formation Fridays” on four Fridays this Lent. Stations of the Cross at St. John will still be every Friday, but it will be at 5:00pm, after which there will still be time to take part in the “Soup and Salad” dinner.  This also gives the older parishioners who do not like driving at night more of an opportunity to participate.

The two biggest special events I would encourage you to attend are the Called and Gifted Workshop on March 13-14 and the “O Come, Let Us Worship” hour of adoration on Friday, March 20.

We will also be offering weekday Lauds at 7:30am and Vespers at 4:30pm. On Wednesdays, Lauds will be part of a simple hour of adoration from 7:25am to 8:25am.

More information will be forthcoming! Here are some of the important dates:

Fri, Feb. 20 “Faith Formation Friday” #1 – THE JOURNEY OF FAITH: Trinity, Faith, and the God Who is Love

Fri, Feb. 27 “Faith Formation Friday” #2 – THE STORY OF SALVATION: Creation, Fall, and Redemption

Thurs, Mar. 5 ALPHA Introduction at St. Mary in Lansing for those interested in being on an ALPHA Steering Committee

Fri, Mar. 6 “Faith Formation Friday” #3 – WHO IS JESUS?: Just a Good Man or Lord of Our Lives?


Mon, Mar 16 St. John Penance Service

Fri, Mar. 20 “O COME, LET US WORSHIP” Hour of Adoration

Fri, Mar. 27 “Faith Formation Friday” #4 – THE PASCHAL MYSTERY: The Mystery of Jesus’ Death & Resurrection

Mar. 29 – Apr. 4 HOLY WEEK