Welcome! We are so glad to have you become part of our parish family…

St. John Parish is a Catholic community that seeks to live out the truths of the Gospel and to fulfill Christ’s call to go out “to the ends of the world.”


Come and see.

Looking to register as a parishioner of St. John’s? Please take a few moments to fill out the online registration form below.

Or you can  download our Registration Form  and put it in the collection basket.

You can also stop by the office during office hours and fill one out there!

Sign up for our newsletter so you have all the latest information about our Parish.

If you have any questions, please call us at the Parish Office at 517-784-0553 or email Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life.

Sign up for our newsletter here to stay in touch and learn about all the great opportunities happening at St. John Parish!

Parish Newsletter

Register Here as a Parishioner!