Fr. ChasDear Parish Family,

How has your Lent been thus far? Have you been able to fast from whatever gets in the way of allowing the Lord Jesus to enter more deeply into your life? It’s not too late to do so because the two biggest Lenten events we are offering at the parish are still ahead: 1) “O Come, Let Us Worship” and 2) the Called & Gifted workshop!

Are you a Catholic Christian because you believe in a God you’ve only heard about, but maybe have never really encountered and experienced in a life-changing way? If so, I would encourage you to come to the adoration event, “O Come, Let Us Worship,” this Friday at 7:00 p.m. Pope Francis is leading a worldwide day of Eucharistic adoration on March 13 in Rome, and this is our way of joining him here at our parish. It will be similar to the “O Come, Let Us Adore Him” event we had this past Advent, which was hugely popular and packed. So, come early and enjoy the prelude music beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Have you found that special and personal calling God has for you? If not, come and find out through the second big event we are offering this Lent: the Called & Gifted workshop on Friday evening, March 20 and Saturday, March 21. The workshop helps us discover our spiritual gifts, or charisms, that God has given to each and every one of us. God desires to work though you. He calls you, and he gifts you to be able to fulfill that calling.

I’m not talking about your vocation to marriage, the priesthood, or religious life. I’m talking about the unique ways God has gifted you to be the instrument of his providence for the sake of building others up, which bear results that are above and beyond our natural abilities. Yet, these charisms can be as ordinary as the gifts of administration, hospitality, and craftsmanship. So, come and find out your charisms! Register through the parish office or online via our website:

Do you have children who are between the ages of 4 to 9 years old? We began a Children’s Liturgy of the Word during our 10:00 a.m. Mass, and the kids have loved it! “I want to go to this Mass every Sunday!” said one child. They often reenact one of the Scripture passages for that Sunday. The priest celebrant will call the children up right after the opening prayer when everyone sits down. The kids then go to the parish center and come back in time just before the offertory, so they still can come forward to put their contribution in the basket.

Finally, please be generous with the Diocesan Services Appeal, as the diocese was so very generous with us by forgiving $100,000 of our debt.

Lenten blessings,
Fr. Chas