At the Easter Vigil Mass, Saturday, March 26, beginning at 8:30pm we will welcome the newest members of our Catholic faith to the table of the Lord! There will be Baptisms, Confirmations, and First Communions aplenty! If you have never been to an Easter Vigil Mass, or if you go every year, please join us for this very special Mass which is called, “the greatest and most noble of all solemnities,” in the Roman Missal. It promises to be a beautiful celebration of our faith, reaching back in time to recall all of salvation history even as it looks forward to the joyful welcome of our newest brothers and sisters.
The Holy Spirit will be present as we light the new Paschal Candle, bless the Baptismal waters & renew our own Baptismal promises, anoint with sacred oil those Confirmed in their new faith, and share in the Body, Blood, Soul, & Divinity of our Lord at the Table. What an amazing God we have that He pours out such an overabundance of grace on us! Come and share it with us!