This Sunday we listen to the parable of the sower and the seed that fell among the three types of good soil and three unconducive grounds.

Prophet Isaiah reminds us of the power of the Word of God that can accomplish what God intends in our lives. The word of God can comfort, heal, challenge, encourage, guide and surprise us. God’s word accomplishes what it intends. So, there’s a challenge for us all from the prophet: are we attentive to the living word of God we hear proclaimed during our liturgical celebration?

The parable of the sower teaches us to cooperate with the grace of God, to be aware of the outside forces that can influence our freedom, and to trust in God who works and produces result. The sower sows the seed, but he has to depend on God for its growth. God provides the rain and the sun, the wind and the air necessary for the plant’s growth. The seed has to shed its dry skin, it has to mingle with the elements of the earth along with the water that comes through the rain, and then the seed grows. Its growth is not visible to our naked eyes, but we   can know by looking at its height and width.  Whenever the plants grow like a bush they will not produce fruits, therefore some of them have to be pulled away so that every plant will get enough sunshine, rain and air. God gives us all a chance. Irrespective of our backgrounds, God gives us all a chance to grow. Wherever the seed fell, depending up on the soil it produced fruits in varying degrees. The soil is very important. In our Christian life too, our fellowship with good Christians and good families (conducive environment) are very important to grow as fruitful Christians. If the parents do not provide a healthy atmosphere for their children’s growth they will grow as disobedient, disrespectful, always fun seeking, and never serious individuals.

Another lesson we can learn from the parable of the sower and seed is to be rooted firmly and to trust in the heavenly forces. As the seed for its growth depend on the heavenly forces (rain, sunshine, wind and the earth), we too need to keep in mind that we have to trust in God and His grace for the steady growth, nourishment and sustenance. Our growth in God requires patience. Impatience and seeking sudden results can stunt and destroy our growth.

“Bloom where you are planted” St. Francis de Sales