Our parish is now launching its 9th large group session of Alpha!  We started back in 2015, and in these past four years, many of you have taken part, helping out, enjoying the fellowship of the event, but more importantly learning more about Christ and, in doing so, drawing closer in relationship with Him. Initially, parish-run Alpha programs draw participants from those who are in the pews each week; then, to be truly successful in its main purpose (to let everyone have the chance to explore the Christian faith), Alpha is a program designed as a tool for all of us to use as MISSIONARY DISCIPLES.  We’ve been praying for many weeks now with our “Year of Prayer” to answer the call to missionary discipleship.  One of the easiest ways to do that is to invite someone to Alpha…or better yet, to accompany that person to Alpha each week.  Walk alongside another as they learn more about Jesus. Here are the key components of Alpha, the very reasons why your help is needed in making Alpha truly impactful!


From the animals on the ark to the Apostles, the Lord sent them two by two!  We all need someone to lean on, guide us, and offer support. This is especially true of someone who is searching for answers, curious about the faith, and may be simply unsure if they even want to find out more…so sometimes it takes that “guide on the side” rather than the “sage on a stage” to help them in their journey.  Who might you accompany in this season’s journey through Alpha?

Love, Listen, Laugh,”

This is the mantra for Alpha and is the key to accompaniment in the early stages.  It is the basis for authentic friendship and therein builds important groundwork for further evangelization.  When we listen and laugh with another, they can feel our love. When one feels loved and accepted, they become receptive.  And when receptivity happens, one may just open their heart further to Jesus and Divine Intimacy with Him.

Prayer is the fuel for Alpha.

The national Alpha initiative has asked all churches that sponsor Alpha to join in prayer for the success of the program not only nationally but world-wide.  We have had an Alpha Holy Hour at the St. Joseph Adoration Chapel since last June with a dedicated group gathering once a month to pray specifically for the intention of Alpha particularly within our parish.  Please feel free to join us any first Thursday at 9 a.m. in the chapel. If you can’t make it then, though, please include Alpha in your daily prayer. Our team’s Alpha training videos liken Alpha to a remote-control car…without batteries, it can go nowhere.  Prayer is the “battery” that we need! Alpha must be fueled by prayer if it is to be truly transformative and long-lasting to those who experience it. Pray, please, for those who are invited to attend to give their “yes.” Pray, also, to have the courage to ask that person who God has perhaps placed on your heart to come to Alpha.  Pray for the conversion of hearts and minds.

Holy Spirit-driven.

The work of evangelization, including Alpha, is ultimately the work of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit, though, needs us to act as His “agents” so to speak…to be the voice of invitation, the arms of welcome, the ears of a listening friend.  Use Alpha as this chance to partner with the Holy Spirit in the call of evangelization.


we all want answers to the questions we have in life.  Alpha explores some of these deepest questions: Is there more to life than this?  Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus have to die? How do I pray? These questions get at the heart of who we are and who Jesus is.  It is in learning more about Christ, coming to deeper understanding of His love and sacrifice, that we tend to also grow in deeper relationship with Him.  We must know the other in order to truly love the other.  The answers that Alpha provides helps us to do just this.


Alpha starts in 11 days.  Who will you invite?
Registration is now open on our website, or you can call the parish office and register with Shayne (784-0553).  Join us with a friend for a delicious meal, inspiring videos, and engaging conversation!  “Father, teach us to share the gift of salvation with everyone we meet!”