Our Parish Share

One portion of our parish campaign goal, approximately $1.1 million, will be designated as the parish share and will stay here at St. John to support the various much-needed capital projects at our three major campuses:


  1. St. John Church ($385,000)

  2. St. John School ($550,000)

  3. St. Joseph Oratory ($117,000)


In order to facilitate the priorities of our people, each parishioner, when they submit their pledge card, may indicate which campus their gift will benefit first.  In doing so, their entire pledge will be allocated to the capital projects of that campus until it reaches its subtotal goal.  If that campus reaches its subtotal goal, the pledge will then be directed to the #2 priority, and so forth.  A “no preference” campaign pledge will provide us the flexibility to direct your funds where they are needed as the various capital projects move forward.

There is no specific priority for “Heritage Hall” among the campus elements of our parish campaign.  The Bishop wants us to focus first on taking care of our current facilities before moving forward with Heritage Hall.  Thus, all pledges in excess of the $2 million parish goal will be directed to a Future Capital Projects Fund and used for the future building of Heritage Hall.


See details of the Heritage Hall concept.
Learn more about the diocesan share of our parish campaign goal.
Check out our current parish campaign fundraising status.