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From the Desk of Angel Koerkel, Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation – 3/16/25
3:16-ish Since this article is being published in our March 16 bulletin, I thought I’d share something kind of interesting (at least it is to me) about the Bible. Many years ago, I noticed that a lot of the verses revealing something key about who God is can be found at/around chapter three, verse sixteen-ish. … Continued
From the Desk of Todd Gale, Discipleship Coordinator & Spiritual Director – 3/9/25
THE BEST LENTEN PENANCE What are you giving up this year for Lent? In previous years I’ve denied myself ice cream, chocolate, coffee… the “usual.” This year, I’m feeling that it’s time for a real challenge. How about giving up smack-talk, even when people deserve it? How about giving up being impatient with idiot drivers? … Continued
From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life – 3/2/25
SurRENDer Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God (Joel 2:13). With Lent beginning a bit later than what seems usual this year, I feel like the Lord has been providing me with lots of time to “prepare.” Not just in terms of our parish offerings this Lenten season, which … Continued
From the Desk of Deacon Dave Etters -2/23/25
Sacred Spaces, Sacred Faces In his 1981 book Addicted to Mediocrity – 20th Century Christians and the Arts, then-evangelical Franky Schaeffer satirized the arts and media of the so-called ‘religious right’ movement of the 1980s. The target of Schaeffer’s acerbic wit was predominately fundamentalist and evangelical Protestantism. And although not in his crosshairs, Catholics were … Continued