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From the Desk of Deacon Dave Etters
But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. (Proverbs 4:18) Happy 6th Week of Ordinary Time! Our responsorial Psalm today is Psalm 1, one of my favorite Psalms. It is brief, but clearly distinguishes the life of the ‘blessed one’ from the life … Continued
From the Desk of Joseph Gruber, Parish FOCUS Missionary
Dear People of Jackson, An epic conference is just around the corner: St. John’s is hosting the SEEK conference at the parish center from February 18-20. Amazing speakers including Fr. Mike Schmitz and Sr. Miriam James, small group discussion, snacks, dinner, adoration, confession—it doesn’t get much better. I’d call it a life-changing conference, but on … Continued
From the Desk of Kristi Blair, St. John School Principal
From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life
The Prophecy Workshop Several parishioners who were considering signing up for our January “Prophecy Workshop” asked me, “Is this for me?” Another shared, “I don’t feel like a prophet…I mean, I’m certainly no Isaiah or Elijah or Jeremiah…” There was definitely, and understandably, hesitancy by some to even sign up for a prophecy workshop! While … Continued