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What’s Your Story?

Joseph Gruber: 10/4/20 “What’s your story?” is a question I often ask other people. I love stories—I studied English literature in college, and one of the reasons I love studying the Bible with people now is my love for good narratives. And we all have stories—we all began, did something, and have at least ended … Continued

Fr. Chas and the State of the Parish, 9/13/20

Dear Parish Family, St. John Parish is Pandemic-Proof!  Thanks to YOU, the faithful parishioners of the Mother Church of Jackson!  We concluded the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 by not only surviving, but allowing the difficult times to test our mettle, which unfortunately was not the case for many parishes throughout the country.  Your … Continued

From the desk of Todd Gale, Director of Faith Formation

FALL FAITH FORMATION:  DIFFERENT TIMES, DIFFERENT APPROACHES One of our favorite weekly events is the Catholicism 101 sessions, which also serve as the introduction to Catholicism for those who want to become Catholic (RCIA; the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Due to the safety regulations with the pandemic, we will be offering in-person classes … Continued

From the desk of Dcn. Mike McCormick

Suffering Suffering is a strange title for a bulletin article, but it’s the theme of today’s gospel, and it certainly applies to most of our lives today. Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem to complete His mission on this earth. He tells the apostles that He will suffer and die at the hands of … Continued