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From the Desk of Joseph Gruber, FOCUS Missionary

Happy Advent, everyone! Jesus comes–Christus adveniat. How does He come? He comes to us in three ways—in history, in mystery, and in majesty.   In history, we see a chain of events unfold:  —from the first pages of Genesis—>our creation  —to our fall—>our captivity in sin  —to Jesus’ entry into history in the Annunciation and in … Continued

From the Desk of Deacon Dave Etters

Somebody once said to me, “If I could read your mind, it would be a short story.” So, when I was asked to write my faith story, I realized that at least my life is a long, long story. Following our German family tradition, I was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Church. However, our … Continued

From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life

“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope…” 1 Peter 3:15 If I only had 30 seconds to share my faith story, here’s what I’d say: I was born a “cradle Catholic,” and when I hit my mid-40’s or so, Jesus started inviting me in … Continued

From the desk of Todd Gale, Director of Faith Formation

The first memory I have of God was when I was five, my older sister told me that God was stronger than Superman. I couldn’t believe this! “Is he even stronger than Under Dog?” “Yup, even stronger than Under Dog.” Wow! God revealed the mystery of his might through my sister. My Grandfather was a … Continued