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On Blessedness

From our Parish FOCUS Missionary, Joseph Gruber… It’s been a bit of a year, Jackson family! And it’s not over yet! Between a pandemic, protests, and a presidential election year, some might say it’s hard to live out a blessed life under these circumstances. But if we look at what Jesus says about a blessed … Continued

The Pearl of Great Price

From the desk of Deacon Dave Etters… Recently, there was a meme circulating on social media – a desert scene where a man was looking up to a towering genie hovering above a lamp. “Ask of me three wishes and I will grant them,” promised the genie.  “Make me rich!” the man replied.  The genie … Continued

To Hear the Spirit; Shema the Ruah

From our Director of Faith Formation, Todd Gale… Trying to maneuver through the news stories of our unsettling recent weeks takes some skill. There is a tsunami of information coming at us, wave after wave. If we do not use the OFF button, we could easily drown in information! Everyone has an opinion, it seems, … Continued

Why I Signed Up for Eucharistic Adoration

From our Director of Parish Life, Shayne Slough… When I first signed up about 4 years ago for the commitment of going to pray between 9-10 p.m. on a Sunday night before our Eucharistic Lord, I will admit I was a bit hesitant about the whole thing.  Adoration was somewhat new to me, first of … Continued

Parking Lot Project Kickoff!

From our pastor, Fr. Chas Canoy… Parking Lot Project Kickoff! Dear Parish Family, This July, you will see the beginning of work on the Witness to Hope parking lot project across the street from St. John Church.  As we have mentioned a number of times, our original plan was to simply repave it.  Like the … Continued