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St. John Elementary School-Covid19 Style

From St. John Elementary School Principal, Kristi Blair… This year, due to Covid19, May looks very different at St. John School.  The building is empty and eerily quiet.  BUT, due to the incredible efforts of our school and parish staffs and our parents, the spirit of SJS is alive and well!  The students are learning … Continued

Seek the Lord Wherever He May Be Found

From our Parish FOCUS Missionary, Joseph Gruber… Greetings, fellow parishioners! “Repent, and be baptized!” Peter cries out on Pentecost. For seven weeks, the people of Jerusalem have been living life without Jesus around. He was a wonder-worker, a preacher, a teacher like no other, and he was put to death 50 days or so ago. … Continued

Choose To Be an “Easter People”

From Clare DeWitt, our Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation… Dear St. John families, Happy Easter season! I don’t know about you, but there is a tendency that I have during this time to ride the joy of this season out for the first week and then…forget and let myself return to “normal.” During Lent, I … Continued

Of Horses and Easter

From the desk of Deacon Dave Etters… Happy Easter! Yes, happy Easter in the midst of this unprecedented – at least in my lifetime, suspension of human community…gathering, eating together, worshipping together. No doubt this has been and continues to be an Easter season like none other. My wife Marcia and I continue to pray … Continued