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Our Pastor’s Clarion Call During This Time of Pandemic

From our Pastor, Fr. Chas Canoy… Dear Parish Family, “CHRIST IS RISEN!” I so wish that we were celebrating together in person, so that I could hear you exclaim in response, “HE IS RISEN INDEED!” That sadly will not be until May, as you may have heard the diocesan announcement that the suspension of public … Continued

Holy Week

From the desk of Deacon Mike McCormick… Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week, a very important week for all Christians. We have been preparing for the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday since Ash Wednesday. This is our last chance to ensure that our preparations are complete.  Jesus was riding on a donkey, … Continued

Hope and Healing…Listen and Receive

From our Director of Parish Life, Shayne Slough… When we chose our Lenten “theme” (“Encounter Hope, Experience Healing) in early February, little did we know how it would take on such an added layer of meaning during this Lenten journey. Originally meant to tie into our newly formed Hope & Healing Prayer Ministry and a … Continued

Maintaining Our Spiritual Health

From our Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation, Angel Koerkel… What a strange time we are living in today.  As I write this article on 3/12/20, my two college-age children are back home, computers at the ready for their classes to (hopefully) resume in an online format, not knowing what to expect about when they will be … Continued

Realigning Resources for Mission 2020

From our pastor, Fr. Chas Canoy…. Dear Parish Family, With the desire to have a proactive response to some of the downward trends in Mass attendance, participation in the sacraments in general, and priestly ordinations over this last generation, the Church realizes that she cannot keep on going with business as usual.  The response to … Continued