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Wreaths Across America

Be a part of this wonderful community events that honors and remembers our veterans! Contact St. John Catholic Cemetery for more details and to learn how to donate a wreath (or more!) to honor a family member, friend, or loved one.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land!

  Let Expert Guides Steve & Janet lead you through the Holy Land—just like in the movies! They’ve been to the Holy Land over 150 times filming, exploring & leading pilgrimages. Join this spiritually enriching biblical adventure. Fr. Chas Canoy and Todd Gale, Director of Faith Formation, invite you to join them on this once … Continued

The Diocesan Assembly, Fall 2018

The slow change in temperature and the sudden surprise of color in the tips of leaves lately signal a change in season, a transition to fall.  Most of us have a favorite season, and this just happens to be mine! What is it about the changing seasons that seems to captivate us? Is it the … Continued

Indulgences? Really?

Indulgences?  Really? Do We Still Teach That? Bishop Boyea is officially granting a plenary indulgence to those who attend the big Diocesan Assembly. Few things in Catholicism are more misunderstood or more divisive than indulgences. If we read the Catechism, paragraphs 1471-1474, there is a definition. An indulgence is “a remission of the temporal punishment due … Continued