Committees at St. John the Evangelist Parish

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is a body composed of members who represent all of our confirmed parishioners. It works closely with the pastor and staff to provide pastoral leadership within our community and acts as a unifying structure seeking to coordinate the efforts and activities of our parish toward the fulfillment of our threefold mission. Based on this mission, the Pastoral Council sets parish goals, develops and implements programs and evaluates the effectiveness of its efforts. It also aids in establishing policies for the well-being of the community. The pastor depends on this council for counsel.

Click here to read the Pastoral Council Foundation Document.

Meet the current members here:

For more information, please contact Shayne Slough.

Finance Council

Our Finance Council provides input and feedback on the financial activities of our parish. They also approve our annual budget (and to a certain extent, help to construct it), purchases over a specific dollar amount, and ongoing advice throughout the year. Their dedication and commitment of time is unsurpassed. The nine members come from both St. John and St. Joseph, and bring a great deal of expertise to our parish.

Meet the current members here:

Building and Grounds Committee

This is a sub-committee of the Finance Committee. Its members are advisory to the building manager in planning for the care, maintenance and upkeep of the physical plant of the parish. They develop a long-range plan for the Finance Committee and oversee all of the capital improvements and major repair projects. The membership of this committee is composed of people with various skills ranging from engineers, skilled tradesmen and contractors to home repair people. The group generally meets once a month.

Funeral Dinner Committee

This ministry extends comfort families dealing with the loss and serves them as a reminder of Christ’s great mercy during a difficult time. This group prepares a meal in the Parish Center after a funeral for parish families who request it. Arrangements for the meal are made through the funeral director or by contacting the parish office.

Parishioners provide donations of food dishes for the meal.

If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 517-784-0553.

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee, seeks to develop that comprehensive sense of the “good and faithful steward” who sees everything – time, talent and treasure – not as his own, but entrusted to him by God for this lifetime. This committee guides the ministry fair, which spotlights the parish ministries that are listed in these pages. It offers biblical encouragement toward an attitude of stewardship. It presents, with the pastor, the State of the Parish review as well.

Worship Commission

The Worship Commission serves the people of St. John by fostering our growth as a worshiping community. Its goal is to help all our parishioners experience more deeply the presence of Christ through meaningful and well planned liturgical celebrations and prayer services throughout the seasons of the Church year. For every act of communal worship, the commission strives to provide a setting that is warm and beautiful to enhance our prayer; music that is uplifting, prayerful and complementary to our worship; and liturgical ministers that are well trained and understand the role they undertake in worship.