Marriage Encounter Opportunity

LET’S BUILD THE KINGDOM OF GOD, ONE MARRIAGE AT A TIME! Are you looking for a way to  restore and renew your marriage? Is your marriage going great and you’d love to spend a weekend away together? Do you want to fall in love with your spouse all over again? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Experience … Continued

Holy Hour of Adoration – Tomorrow Night!


Twice each year – during Advent and Lent – Father Chas leads our parish in a Holy Hour of Adoration. Our next event is on Friday, March 4, 2016. There is no cost and everyone is welcome! If you haven’t had the chance to attend in the past, I assure you this is an event … Continued

Come, Let Us Adore!

Dear Parish Family, How is your Lent going?  Have you been able to take time away from everything and be with the Lord?  This Friday’s “Come, Let Us Adore!” evening of adoration is the perfect time to do that as Friday, March 4 marks the halfway point of Lent this year.  Begin this second half … Continued

Borrowed Time is Not Permanent

Why does God permit the innocent people to suffer? Why the ISIS continue to slaughter and torture good people? The problem of human suffering and evil in the world raises serious questions. People of Israel believed that God punished the people either through violence, war or though epidemics as a result of their sins or … Continued

Alpha kicks off to a great success!

Our second session of Alpha kicked off to a great success last Friday night; and seats are still open for you to join us this week! In the first week we discussed the person of Jesus, who is He and who did He say He was? Next week, February 19, the topic is “How can … Continued