
Jesus said: “I am the vine and you are the branches.” Jesus clearly expresses the intimate union that must exist between Jesus and his followers under the image of vine and its branches. Father is the vinedresser and He prunes the good ones and cuts off the useless ones. He does the pruning as part … Continued

A regular Sunday evening Mass?

Dear Parish Family, One issue that parishioners have brought up with me time and time again at the Thursday fireside chats we’ve been having is the question, “How do we attract the youth and young families to St. John Parish?”  It is no secret that our parishioners have a more mature demographic profile than decades … Continued

To be a sheepdog or a shepherd

How often we hear the sad news of young people risking their lives, attempting suicide, getting duped to the drug abusers, or alcohol abusers’ groups. Home schooled as well as church schooled or public schooled, all are easily drawn away from the morally upright behaviors. The symptoms are very identical in every one’s case.

The Symbolon Series Continues!

Dear Parish Family, Our faith formation is ongoing and lifelong; we are called to grow in our knowledge and love of the Lord, as our eternal destiny consists precisely in this! What we value and hold dear now in our short earthly life is indicative of how we desire to spend our eternity. The pastoral … Continued

Clogged minds and closed hearts

Two disciples had been on their way to Emmaus. They were leaving Jerusalem; their hopes were shattered after Jesus’ death. Then they met the risen Lord. They didn’t recognize him at first, but they did after he opened the Scriptures for them and broke bread with them. After their encounter they returned to the community … Continued