With Brother Priests at the Presbyteral Convocation!

Dear Parish Family, As I write this, I am up north at Boyne Highlands for the annual Diocese of Lansing Presbyteral Convocation. “Presbyter” is just another term for priest. Every year, our bishop and the priests of the diocese gather for several days in autumn for 1) continual formation, 2) diocesan business, 3) fellowship, and … Continued

Rolling with the Departure of JCMS

Dear Parish Family, This is the third of a series of bulletin articles on the findings of the diocesan parish audit. Last week reviewed the outstanding parish debt of $615,041 and how the combination of Fr. Murray’s generous bequest of $420,000 and the gracious willingness of the diocese to forgive about half of the remaining … Continued

Fireside Chat Invitation

Have you heard about the Fireside Chat Program?  Soon, Fr. Chas will be inviting you to a Fireside Chat in your neighborhood!  

Poised for the Future!

For the full unedited audio version, please listen to Fr. Chas’ homily on 9-21-2014. This is the second in a series of bulletin articles addressing the diocesan parish audit.  This week, I would like to give you a broad overview of the financial situation of the parish, highlighting those areas that are of great concern. … Continued

Is God fair?

The parable of the workers in the vineyard is a reminder that we can’t argue about “fairness” over the distribution of God’s grace. In God’s kingdom the rewards will not be based on our usual pay scales and priorities, but will be generously given to all. Prophet Isaiah in the first reading reminds us, that … Continued