From the Desk of Joseph Gruber, Parish FOCUS Missionary, 7/31/22

Dear People of our Parish, Who am I trying to enrich? Who am I trying to benefit in this life? The readings for this Sunday ask some uncomfortable questions. Why would we be so obsessed with possessions, when we can’t bring them with us when we die? And then on the other side, why would … Continued

From the Desk of Angel Koerkel, Coordinator of Sacramental Prep, 7/24/22

If you’re a parent, or if you’ve ever had a parent, then I’m sure that you are at least somewhat familiar with the concept of ‘house rules’.  These are the things that we, as parents, decide to enforce within our homes for the safety and well-being of our children as individuals, but also for the … Continued

From the Desk of Todd Gale, Director of Faith Formation

THE ONE THING NECESSARY Most of us are probably familiar with the story in Luke’s Gospel about Martha and Mary. Some of us feel like Martha gets a bum rap—it seems she is trying to serve Jesus with hospitality while her sister gets away with loafing around. But if we were to read the story … Continued

From the Desk of John Richards, Director of Parish Operations

Renovation News! Dear Fellow Parishioners, Here is an update on the latest capital projects that we have going on at our facilities. We are very grateful to those contributing to the Capital Campaign fund. With rising costs everywhere, we appreciate your generosity in keeping the facilities in good condition as we continue to do God’s … Continued