Post Archive
From the Desk of Todd Gale, Discipleship Coordinator & Spiritual Director, 8/11/24
STEUBY AND THE PSALMS For a few decades now, my summers have often included a visit to the beautiful, holy Campus of the Franciscan University of Steubenville (commonly referred to as Steuby). This year Angel Koerkel, Kathy Blanchard, and I joined peers from neighboring parishes to attend the Applied Biblical Studies Conference, ABS. Usually highlighted … Continued
From the Desk of Dcn. Dave Etters, 8/4/24
What is it? The morning sun rose in the desert wilderness of the Sinai Peninsula where the Israelites were encamped – and they woke up hungry…again. Just the previous day the entire community had complained, grumbling against Moses and Aaron for lack of bread. In so many words, they said it would be better to … Continued
From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life – 7/28/24
I’m hungry. When my kids used to say those words, I’d quickly think of some way to satisfy their hunger, whether it was time for a meal or maybe just a snack. Aren’t we all, typically, quick to find solution when our stomachs growl? When we have a feeling of emptiness or lack of energy? … Continued
From the Desk of Angel Koerkel, 7/21/24
Go Deeper, Grow Closer Before reading on, I ask you to please pray this prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, you give us your flesh and blood for the life of the world, and you desire that all people come to the Supper of the Sacrifice of the Lamb. Renew in your Church the truth, beauty, and … Continued