Shake of the very dust of your feet

Jesus sent the disciples two by two and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. The twelve apostles had been with Jesus for some time and gained experience from His training. When they were ready for a practicum, Jesus empowered them with power and authority. It proved that they were indeed messengers sent by the … Continued

What Now for Marriage?

Dear St. John Family, It is a little over a week since that historic decision that redefines the legal definition of marriage in our country.  Please read the response of our Michigan bishops printed in this bulletin.  While many are celebrating this decision, it can leave many faithful Catholics very discouraged and even insecure about … Continued

In our weaknesses

The story of Jesus’s rejection in his own town is a classic one. It is a story that most of us can identify with because it is a story that has happened to most of us. The people of our home town know us too well, and therefore they simply cannot accept. At times anyway … Continued

Welcome Back, Fr. Zach Mabee!

Dear Parish Family, Welcome back to Fr. Zachary Mabee, who will be celebrating a Mass of Thanksgiving at today’s 5:00 p.m. Mass! We are so proud of you, Fr. Zach. Best wishes to your assignment to the cluster of parishes in Flint! St. John Cemetery After this past Father’s Day weekend, I received some complaints … Continued

Trusting When We Cannot See

Last week we heard the power of Jesus manifested over the windstorm that obeyed and stilled at the command of Jesus. “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities– all things have been created through Him and for … Continued