Realigning Resources for Mission 2020

From our pastor, Fr. Chas Canoy…. Dear Parish Family, With the desire to have a proactive response to some of the downward trends in Mass attendance, participation in the sacraments in general, and priestly ordinations over this last generation, the Church realizes that she cannot keep on going with business as usual.  The response to … Continued

Answering the “Nudge”

From our Director of Parish Operations, John Richards… Hello!  I am the new Director of Parish Operations (DPO).  As I mentioned last week, I have been a parishioner here at St. John’s parish for almost 35 years now.  Taking a job right out of college with Consumers Energy, I felt ‘at home’ here at St. … Continued

What’s Wrong With the World Today?

From the desk of Deacon Dave Etters… Lent is upon us!  The beginning of this holy, penitential season was highlighted by our Ash Wednesday O, Come Let Us Adore holy hour.  For those who attended, I think you would agree that it was a time filled with reverence, worship and beauty, and set the tone … Continued

Lent – Give It Up!

From our Pastoral Council President, John Dullock… Lent – Give It Up! Here we are again.  It’s almost Lent. Oh my, I have no clue what I’m giving up this year.  What are you giving up? I’m giving up candy! I’m giving up drinking pop!   Hold on, I’ve heard that Sunday’s aren’t counted, so … Continued

Theology of the Body (TOB) Talks

From our Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation, Angel Koerkel… Did you pick up  a copy of the book (Theology of the Body for Beginners by Christopher West) that Fr. Chas gave us at Christmas?  Have you started reading it yet? Maybe you looked at the subtitle of: Rediscovering the Meaning of Life, Love, Sex, and Gender … Continued