As they were looking on, He was lifted

Ascension of Jesus is a mystery This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Jesus led the disciples as far as the outskirts of Bethany, which is less than two miles from Jerusalem (John 11:18); raising His hands He blessed them and “as he blessed them, he withdrew from them and … Continued

Our Dear Barb Dwyer is Retiring

Dear Parish Family, One of the sweetest people we know, Barb Dwyer, is unfortunately retiring from her position as Coordinator of Senior Ministry at the end of June.  We can understand how her husband Moe wants to spend more time with her because we would too!  She has been a mainstay for our seniors, particularly … Continued

Pure unbounded Love

The gospel today summarizes what Jesus has bequeathed for us, namely the Love of the Father revealed in the Love of Jesus. Jesus urges his followers to abide in his love and to love one another. This love for neighbor must have as its model and exemplar in Christ’s love for his disciples, which made … Continued

Dave Etters to be a Deacon on May 16!

Dear Parish Family, The Church has had a long-standing tradition of observing May as a month in which the faithful especially honor the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Our hurting and divided world needs the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Peace.  Consider praying the holy rosary with your family, even if it is just onedecade before … Continued


Jesus said: “I am the vine and you are the branches.” Jesus clearly expresses the intimate union that must exist between Jesus and his followers under the image of vine and its branches. Father is the vinedresser and He prunes the good ones and cuts off the useless ones. He does the pruning as part … Continued