“Little girl, Arise!”

From our Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation, Clare DeWitt… For most of my life, growing up in my family of nine, my two younger sisters and I have been referred to as the “three little girls”. My older siblings, parents, aunts, and grandparents all would collectively call us this title. And as a kid I … Continued

Your Input is Needed!

From our Pastor, Fr. Chas Canoy… Dear Parish Family, As the pastor of St. John, my primary responsibility is to help you grow as disciples of Jesus and to equip you to go and make disciples of others.  Critical to that duty is hearing from you about your needs!  To that end, I am excited … Continued

Our Need for Hope and Healing

From our Director of Parish Life, Shayne Slough… Hello St. John Parish family! So many of you have mentioned how “the Holy Spirit is moving in our parish!”  One visible way that we can see this is through our parish life…and personal lives of faith…and how both are growing!  When you look through the bulletin, … Continued

Suffering & Healing

From our FOCUS Missionary, Joseph Gruber… Hello, people of Jackson! Our parish has been emphasizing the role of healing in the past few months. I think this good and worthwhile, but I’d like to take a moment with you to first back up a step and look at suffering, and then another step to look … Continued

St. John Elementary School Events

From St. John Elementary School Principal, Kristi Blair… Exciting things are happening at St. John Elementary School!  Read about our upcoming St. John Mardi Gras, our 7th Annual Draw Down Dinner, and our New Family Open House. We love to share updates from our school with our parish family.  Click HERE to enjoy pictures of … Continued