From the Messy Desk of the Youth Minister…

It has been such a great opportunity getting to go through Confirmation Interviews with our upcoming 9th grade students who are almost ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. I love being able to sit down with them and hear about how they have experienced God and in what ways they see Him moving in … Continued

Prayers for our Parish

Perhaps you’ve received a call lately from your friendly neighborhood Parish Representative!  If so, you may have tried to jog your memory about what you’d heard at church, trying to remember “Who are Parish Reps?” and “What’s that group all about, again?”  The goal of the Parish Rep ministry is to continually build the culture … Continued

Keeping the “Nones” as Catholics

It is not an overstatement to say that we are in a war for souls, and in America there is serious concern that Catholic Christianity is losing the recent battles.  In our lifetime we have seen participation in the Sacraments, Catholic Schools, Religious Ed, and Mass attendance plummet. Fewer priests and fewer participating Catholics have … Continued

2018 Diocesan Assembly:  Made for Happiness.

Chances are you’ve heard of or read about it by now…on a previous bulletin cover, at the tables outside of Masses last week, or maybe you’ve already received a call from your area’s Parish Representative inviting you to the event.  Even though the assembly is still over 3 months away, our St. John Parish diocesan … Continued

Growing in Community

What a joyous whirlwind these last three years have been as I transitioned from a parish across town to St. John! This is such a friendly and loving community, and so many people have been eager to jump in to help with our various ministries, classes and programs. Many more families and individuals have attended … Continued