Vacation Bible School Registration

Registration is live for Vacation Bible School 2018! Vacation Bible School will be July 9th-11th, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Children grades (potty trained) preschool to 5th grade are welcome to join us. Interested in helping? Contact Clare Kolenda or Todd Gale to volunteer! Join us for three days of fun, activities, and learning … Continued

First Holy Eucharist Photo Galleries

Congratulations to our First Communicants who celebrated their First Holy Communion this past weekend. Keep them in your prayers as they continue to be nourished by our Lord in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.   Thank you to all of our photographers who captured the event! Please click on the pages below to see our … Continued

Child Care coming to St. John!

  We will begin providing Child Care starting May 13th during the 10 a.m. and noon Masses as a support to parents who choose to use the service, but please know that children of all ages are always welcome at Mass!  Come and find out more at our Connection Sunday on May 5-6, and watch the bulletin for more details.  This pilot program will run for 5 weeks before … Continued

Easter Triduum Liturgies!

Join us for our Easter Triduum Liturgies and Easter Sunday Masses. Come experience the healing power of the Cross and the joy of the Resurrection with us!

Confirmation Retreat – Lean on Me

Our Confirmation retreat is almost here! This retreat is MANDATORY for all 8th grade students who wish to get confirmed this coming Fall. We will be meeting in the St. John Parish Center –this is a location change! We apologize for the inconvenience. We are excited to spend the day with our confirmation students as … Continued