Welcome to the New Year!

We’re starting fresh in 2018 on a bit of a unique note around here, which we hope everyone will find edifying and transformative. As brothers in ministry, Fr. Chas and I take about 45 minutes each day to pray together for our parish and for all the endeavors that we believe the Holy Spirit is … Continued

First Reconciliation

One group of elementary and religious education second graders were able to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Saturday, December 9th. We had several priests from the Jackson area who were able to join us so even the parents and siblings of our second graders were able to participate in the … Continued

Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Mass Times

Don’t miss on coming to Mass this Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This feast is a Holy Day of Obligation, so we are encouraging our St. John Family to join us at one of the following times.