It’s been an amazing year for some of our youngest parishioners here at St. John the Evangelist. Last year, several of our dedicated volunteers approached Father Chas about beginning a Children’s Liturgy of the Word. With his blessing and support, plans proceeded quickly.
Since then, our children at the 10:00 a.m. Mass have been treated to a portraying of the Word that they can best understand. Using a variety of props, puppets, and creative storytelling techniques, our volunteers ensure the message of the Gospel comes across clear to them!
Our teachers wished to convey their heartfelt thanks to all of the families that participated in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word, as they each have felt richly blessed by the opportunity to share the Gospel with the children – and we wish to thank our teachers, for the generous gifts of time and talent to prepare and deliver the Gospel in such interactive methods!
The Liturgy of the Word will take a brief break during the months of July and August. Beginning in September, the Children’s Liturgy will be offered at the 10:00 am and noon Masses!