From our Director of Parish Life, Shayne Slough…
Come and See. Three simple words. Three powerful words. These are the words spoken by Jesus when disciples of John the Baptist asked Him where He was staying. Jesus’ invitation to them was “Come, and you will see”; their decision to do just that changed their lives! Then, just a few lines later in John, Chapter 1, when Nathanael asked Philip if “anything good could come from Galilee,” Philip replied, “Come and See.” They are words of invitation and, coupled with the emblem of St. John the Evangelist (which is an eagle), they became our familiar St. John “motto” a few years ago.
We desire to be a parish of invitation…on so many levels! To the seeker, to the new person checking out our parish, to those who have filled our pews for years, to each other in fellowship, to a deeper relationship with Christ, to healing, to studying and learning, to helping others…But more than a mere invitation, “Come and See” also leaves us, like those disciples of John the Baptist, with a life-changing decision. Will we be moved by what we see and hear? Will we follow? How will our lives change? Will we allow this change?
This weekend, we invite you to “come and see” quite literally as we fill the Parish Center with the many faith formation opportunities we offer as well as the dozens of ways you can give of your time and talent in a ministry or during Mass. In this year of prayer as we strive to become Missionary Disciples, our parish is stronger than ever in its offerings to help guide and shape and equip us for this call.
So, come and see how you can grow in your prayer life, drawing in closer intimate relationship with Christ. Consider an hour at the Adoration Chapel or find out more about Movement Toward Christ (a “stretch and pray” class for all ages!) Sign up for Ablaze and learn more about prayer and prayer ministry. With our focus in the coming months on healing, our hope is to build a prayer team that can minister to others at certain parish events. Check out the “Day of Equipping” by Bart Schuchts coming on November 2nd!
Come and see how you can study our faith. For the children of our parish (and mom and dad, too!) Sundays begin with Family Religious Education at 9 a.m. Register today or online! Children’s Liturgy of the Word is an awesome chance for kids 4-9 to dive deeper into the Gospel on their level (offered during 10 a.m. and noon Masses.) Throughout the week, we offer Bible Studies, RCIA, Catholicism 101, Gamma, Alpha, and more! One sign of a Dynamic Catholic is study, and most everyone who studies about the faith finds that they only fall more and more in love with its beauty, truth, and richness.
Come and see how you can be a generous giver of time and talent. The dozens of service groups that give so graciously of their time and talent would love for you to join their efforts! Talk to one of their members today to find out more.
Imagine yourself sitting under the fig tree like Nathanael as Philip approaches and invites you to something new and unknown. Did Nathanael feel uncertain? Intrigued? Fully convicted? Maybe all of these? All natural feelings! What did he do? He went to see.
The invitation is there for us today. Jesus extends it daily in many ways. Will we ‘come and see’ and allow our lives to be forever changed as we learn, grow, serve, and reach out to others? Will we equip ourselves to become missionary disciples? Come, Holy Spirit!
A little bit about our event!
**Join us for free muffins and good coffee (a.m. hours) or brownies and good coffee (p.m. hours)!
**Stop by for a free book of choice while supplies last! (One per family, please.)
**Sign up at various booths for their prize drawings! (An exercise mat @ the MTC booth; knit hats and mittens @ Yarn Crafters; a tuition voucher @ St. John school; goodie bags @ Faith Formation; greeting card packs @ Paper Hugs; and more!)
**Sign up for the Immunization Clinic @ the Parish Nurses’ Station.
**Interested in online giving? We’ll help you get set up!
On page 6 you’ll find a Come and See form (more copies are available in the Parish Center) where you can indicate how you might like to get more involved or at least find out more. Fill it out and turn it in this weekend for a chance to win one of three great prizes: a gift certificate to Grand River Brewery, a beautiful afghan donated by the Yarn Crafters Ministry, or a $50 tuition voucher to St. John Elementary School.