Sacred Spaces, Sacred Faces
In his 1981 book Addicted to Mediocrity – 20th Century Christians and the Arts, then-evangelical Franky Schaeffer satirized the arts and media of the so-called ‘religious right’ movement of the 1980s. The target of Schaeffer’s acerbic wit was predominately fundamentalist and evangelical Protestantism. And although not in his crosshairs, Catholics were not immune to the modernist trends of that time.
The cover of his book displays a full-color reproduction of Michelangelo’s iconic “The Creation of Adam,” which illustrates God reaching out and touching the finger of Adam to give him the gift of life. This masterpiece, which still graces the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, took Michelangelo over six years to complete! But wait – there’s more. Pictured in the foreground of the masterpiece standing on a ladder is a man in white bib-jean painter pants. Sewn to his hip pocket is an ichthys (fish) symbol patch, and from the top of the ladder his left arm is extended with paint roller in hand. The ‘progress’ of the stark whitewashing has thus far covered Adam to his waist, covering his shameless innocence.
Absurd? Of course, but oddly this recalls the remodeling of our narthex restrooms that was completed some years back. How so? During the project two stained glass windows were discovered (Jesus standing and Jesus the Good Shepherd). Both had been plastered over for who-knows-how long and who-knows why. Now, uncovered and restored, the windows again add to the beauty of our church. And speaking of beautification, last year’s plaster repair and painting of the sanctuary, along with the new, clear protective covers over our priceless stained glass windows together add a refreshingly clean, bright ambiance to our sacred space.
Much has been written about the sweeping architectural changes that occurred in many American parishes in the wake of Vatican II. Concerns were raised over objects that were eliminated: the communion rail, statues and side altars, etc. Suffice to say, the liturgical reformers of Vatican II did not intend to wipe away the formality and dignity of the sanctuary, yet it did occur in many instances.
Sacred spaces are holy and consecrated to God. They lift us up and inspire us, inasmuch as we are appropriately disposed. Conversely, it is not mere coincidence that the interior spiritual renewal that many of our parishioners have experienced in recent years is finding an external expression in our efforts of beautification.
This brings us to our current project that is well under way. Behind the towering curtains that modestly veil the scaffolding on the altar, a sacred mural of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb is emerging over the gothic arches of the apse. The saints and angels are gathering to adore the Lamb upon his throne – a heavenly vision that was imparted to our patron, Saint John the Evangelist, and is recorded in the Book of
“Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready…Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”
Truly, our rather simple, monochrome apse is being transformed beyond beautification – though it is certainly that – into a focal point that draws us up and into worship, contemplating the consummation of eternal joy at the Nuptial Feast.
This extraordinarily unique work of sacred art dovetails the heart and heritage of St. John the Evangelist Parish. It is Johannine, through and through and in each and every Eucharistic it invites us into the awareness and reality that we are not alone. The saints and angels are here with us, and we are truly joining with them in worship of the Lamb of God.
“There we shall rest and we shall see; we shall see and we shall love; we shall love and we shall praise. Behold what shall be in the end and shall not end.” -St. Augustine, City of God
Born of the Holy Spirit, breathed into the heart and vision of Fr. Chas, and entrusted to the creative, artistic mind and capable, skillful hands of sacred artist Joseph Macklin, this great work of art is destined to inspire us and future generations of Catholics who find their spiritual home here at St. John the Evangelist parish.
Behold the Lamb!
+Deacon Dave