This past Wednesday marked my one-year anniversary of working for St. John the Evangelist Parish. And what a year that it’s been. It hasn’t just gone by quickly because of how busy it’s been, but because it’s been a full year, a year filled with self-discovery, spiritual growth, and love. Please indulge me today in allowing me to give you my personal witness.
I came here on a journey to find a place to serve God and His Church in community and service. Little did I know that He planned on giving me something else… a new family. Everyone here in the parish – staff, active volunteers, and the most joyful congregation I have ever met – has given me so much love and great examples of generosity. You have provided me with an environment in which I have been able to find a fit to integrate my journey to God with my work. I am humbled that God has given me the opportunity to serve Him alongside you.
I have grown a lot this year in several ways, all made possible by working in the St. John community and, by extension, the Jackson community. One of the biggest ways has been letting go of my ego. For many months, I approached my work here not much differently that I have in my previous jobs. There are problems to solve, tasks to do, and goals to accomplish. It wasn’t long before I felt a great burden; I was taking all of the stress onto my own shoulders. Thanks to spiritual direction, prayer, and the support of my parish family, I have learned that this was wrongheaded. The work that all of us in the parish and the Church do to further the kingdom – whether spiritual or temporal work – is HIS work. Not our work. Not my work. I learned to place the work, the burdens, and the stress on the altar and realize that I am but a tool in his garden. It is His work! Letting go of ego is amazingly freeing. I think this is partly what Christ meant when He said, “My yoke is easy, and my burden light.”
You have given me love. Every day, I witness your love. Every day, I see generous souls giving to each other and to God. You all do so in different ways. Whether it is our council of the Knights of Columbus helping with our grounds, the Hope and Healing prayer team bringing the Divine Healer to those in pain, vibrant families coming to Mass for worship and fellowship, our dedicated councils, committees, and faith formation groups, and the teachers and students of our school, I see love shining forth. And it is the love of Christ Himself.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
You have changed my life.
Love, your brother in Christ Jesus,