Thank You for a Great Year
As we come upon the final week of school, I think of all the incredible blessings witnessed at St. John School this year. Many people have asked how the year has gone. With the flood in the school and getting to know a new community, there were many challenges. However, this has been the best year I have had in Catholic education. Without a doubt, I am so thankful for this community. The dedication, values, support, and more from our parents is unlike anything I have been a part of in the past. Our staff and teachers are extremely dedicated and extraordinary educators. Because of our parents, students, and staff, St. John School is a fantastic place to grow in our faith, learn, and support each other.
I would like to thank so many people for contributing to the success of this year. Our Grandparents Club supports the staff and students in so many ways. PTO provides fun community activities for our students. Our Knights supported us time and time again with their talent, time, and treasure. Our parent volunteers have helped in the classroom, with fundraisers, on field trips, and so much more. I’m grateful for the community like Jack Fremeau, Tony Shaughnessy, and of course, Kristi Blair. Their insight and support have continued the tradition of excellence.
As we celebrate the Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity, the 3 persons in one God, we reflect on our baptismal calling to be a part of a relationship with three partners – ourselves, God, and our neighbors. Throughout all the ministries at St. John, we support one another so we can glorify God. Family Discipleship, the Knights, music ministry, Hope and Healing, of course the school, and so many other ministries are a part of our parish. We are united in the same mission to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind as well as to love one another as Christ himself loves us. The trinity interweaves over and over in these two commandments. We are called to love God with our 1) heart 2) soul and 3) mind. All that we are – our body, the soul given to us, and our thoughts – are all called to unite to love God. The second commandment asks us as individuals to love one another as God loves us. These are the greatest commandments given to us by Christ himself.
At the school, we strove to uphold that this year. Prayer and faith were central to so much of what we did. Classrooms were blessed at the beginning of the year. We celebrated mass. Students attended adoration at least monthly. Students and staff attended retreats. The Living Rosary brought us together. Service Week helped us remember others. Advent helped prepare us for the coming of the Lord. Stations of the Cross helped us reflect and repent to improve our lives. Saint projects helped us understand those we can emulate. We helped students understand their actions by calling on the Virtues. We celebrated our faith in our Christmas concert. Cards were made for shut-ins each month. Our students served as altar servers. Prayer partners joined the school across grade levels uniting us in our faith. Religion is not just a class, it is a way of living our faith at St. John School.
As we celebrate this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, let’s not forget we are all important parts of this parish just as each part of the trinity contributes to our one God. God the Father gave us life, God the Son gave of his life to save us, and God the Holy Spirit guides us. Together we profess one faith so that we can love God first and foremost and love one another as He loved us. That guiding principle has been the foundation of the school this year and what made it an incredible year.