Have you ever heard of “Holy Spirit tears” or the gift of tears? It’s more than “happy tears” or crying because you’re relieved or overjoyed. True “Holy Spirit tears” are actually a charismatic gift…from, as the name implies, the Holy Spirit. I hadn’t heard of this gift until a few years ago, but when it happens and someone names it for you, you know exactly what they mean! These tears are an unexplainable mix of joy, thanksgiving, peace, strong knowing, and love of God all at once. Of course, it’s not exclusive to those, but the times I’ve sensed experiencing Holy Spirit tears, those have been the predominant feelings.
Earlier this year, I received an email from parishioner Janette Mefford. She wrote, “I am curious if we at St. John and St. Joseph are participating with Walking with Moms in Need. Walking with Moms in Need is a nationwide, parish-based initiative to increase support for pregnant and parenting mothers in need. If we are not yet involved, it would be such a beautiful program to bring into our parish to further support our community, to continue our battle to defend the dignity of life, and to support those that choose life.“
Reading her email that Saturday morning in January, I believe what were Holy Spirit tears came to my eyes! You see, Fr. Chas had mentioned this initiative to me briefly a few years ago and had handed me an information page. We left it at, “It looks like an awesome thing to consider doing here, but of course we’d need someone to take it on, get it going. We’ll have to keep it in mind.” And it did stay on my mind, re-emerging here and there, especially during the door-knocking campaign against Proposal 3 and then after its passing. But, there wasn’t an abundance of extra time to devote to the start-up of WwMiN, especially without a key leader for it.
So when I received Janette’s email, I was overwhelmed with praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, marveling at his providence, his plan, his timing, and the way the Spirit seemed to be so clearly calling Jan into action!
This weekend we are hearing testimonies of the various ways the Holy Spirit moves in the lives of our parishioners. He nudges, he whispers, he directs and encourages. Some of you will actually hear Jan’s testimony as we’ve chosen May 18-19 here in the deanery to share some witness stories. With it being Pentecost, we’ve chosen at St. John to particularly hone in on how the Spirit is moving in our parishioners’ lives!
And the Spirit is moving! We’d love to hear your “story,” too! Big or small, these moments of inspiration are important to share! Testimonies help increase the faith and trust of not only the one sharing as he or she reflects on the Lord’s hand in his or her life, but they also help spread the reality to others: the Spirit wants to be active in our lives. This is why we say, “Come, Holy Spirit!” We can invite. We can pray, “Use me Spirit, I’m open!” If you’re really desiring transformation, pray these words from Sr. Carmela of the Holy Spirit, O.C.D. (featured in this month’s Magnificat): “O consuming Fire, divine Love in person, inflame me, burn me, consume me, destroy all self-love in me, transform me entirely into love…”
Come, Holy Spirit! Come now! Come as You wish!

P.S. —And thank you to all who purchased a rose last weekend! The proceeds ($362) have been donated to our May baby shower to help moms in need with diapers, wipes, and soap, etc. With this kick-off event, we’d hoped to also get word out about Walking with Moms in Need. If you’d like to know more, please call Jan at 517-759-8452.