With this weekend being both the end of August and the beginning of September, our hearts say good-bye to summer and our minds tend to turn toward things of fall!

Ladies, have you attended any of the annual Women’s Conferences through the years each fall?  If you have, you know that this is a day of refreshment and renewal, a drawing nearer to our Lord!  In the words of our hosts:  “Women from across Michigan are invited to come together to focus on their faith and experience the fellowship of sisterhood in Christ Jesus. Throughout the day, women will be encouraged and inspired to ignite their spirits and grow their faith by hearing from Catholic speakers, engaging in praise and worship music, and celebrating holy Mass with our bishops. The conference will be held at the Lansing Center in Lansing, Michigan on October 12, 2024.”

This is a perfect opportunity to invite and accompany someone!  Maybe you have a friend who has fallen away from her relationship with the Lord?  Or maybe you just want to walk beside someone as you grow closer to the Lord together?  Maybe you just need a personal “reboot”?  Whatever the need or desire, come, and “be loved, be radiant!”

More info will follow as we often have an opportunity to share a bus ride that day with some of our other local parishes!