Dear Parishioners,

1856. In this year, the “Mother Church of Jackson” laid its cornerstone, and from that moment on, parish life at St. John the Evangelist Parish began! Now, in 2022, we have over 50 active Service Ministries, Faith Formation opportunities, and Councils/ Committees! The majority of those are described here in our handbook. So first, a big THANK YOU! While the number of ways to be involved and learn and grow in faith is impressive, it is the people that represent these groups that make them what they are! So, we say “thank you” to all who are involved in some way already, from our hard-working staff members to our faithful volunteers! Your giving of “time, talent, and treasure” and your desire to be in deeper relationship with the Lord displays so beautifully the legacy of Catholic service and discipleship here in Jackson for generations. If not for such strong groups, such talented people, such generous leaders in place, and the beautiful answer to the call to share the Lord with others, these opportunities would not exist within our parish . THANK YOU to all! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Secondly, a LOOK AT OUR THEMATIC GOAL… Along with our continual focus on The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic (prayer, study, generosity, and evangelization), our Parish Leadership Team regularly establishes a parish thematic goal. Our most recent goal, that of “Equipping & Strengthening the Core for Mission,” has been an emphasis for the past year, offering opportunities to grow in some of the basics of faith and discipleship and evangelization (the sharing of one’s faith story, shared prayer, and discerning to what/to whom the Lord is calling us). And this year we continue that focus of building the core, with an added element, that of the Domestic Church! Our Faith Formation team desires to pour into the core by accompanying our families, helping them build the domestic church of their homes. This side-by-side accompaniment will include conversations as well as support in the form of tools and discussions and check-ins that will help us all grow our homes into sanctuary space. Our staff has marveled at the beautiful way the Lord has been building and providing the pieces needed for this most recent goal. Our earlier themes of Faith & Family Life, Hope & Healing, and Three Conversations, all lend themselves well to the work we undertake! Along with those building blocks, the Lord has provided the resources and staff (with skills, charisms, and the necessary knowledge) to continue to lead where he guides! All praise and glory to God! We look forward to the year ahead! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Finally…an INVITATION to “Come and See!” Toward the end of this handbook**, you’ll find two forms, one to sign up for Family Faith Formation (fill one out for your kids or grandkids!) and the other to express your interest in adult opportunities. We invite you to prayerfully consider how the Lord is calling you into both service and deepening your faith. We encourage you to try something new! While this booklet is published in conjunction with our annual Come & See Event, our groups welcome new members at most any point during the year! If you’re new to the parish, please let us know how you’d like to get involved. If you find more time on your hands at some other point in the year, reach out! Thank you for being a part of the Body of Christ here at St. John the Evangelist Parish. May we serve each other well. In Jesus’ name, we ask for an abundance of fruitfulness for our parish and the Jackson community!

Fr. Chas Canoy

Kathy Blanchard

Todd Gale

Shayne Slough


“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?’ ‘Here I am,” I said, “send me!’” We hear these words from Isaiah, and we call for these willing hearts, Lord. We pray for the desire to serve in your vineyard. We ask for open ears to hear how You call us to deeper relationship through study and prayer. Amen.