Even though most adults are not tied to an academic school year calendar, we seem to maintain that pattern of start-ups in the fall. In just a week or so we will kick off this year’s Catholicism 101. A gathering of folks who are thinking about becoming Catholic, exploring the faith, learning, praying and going through the OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is not just a class or program. It is a process of conversion, turning our life toward Jesus and the Catholic Church. It is the process of making disciples of Jesus and prepares a person for a lifelong commitment as a Catholic. I love the St. John approach to OCIA: it’s also open to any practicing Catholic or someone who has fallen away from the Sacraments; a refresher “mini religion course” or a kick-start to a stagnated faith life. 

A poster for a catholic church

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This year we have quite a crowd of inquirers interested in joining. We are offering Catholicism 101 on Sunday mornings at 8:30am and the same topic on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. Folks can choose which session best suits their schedule, and should they miss one, maybe they could pick up the topic at the alternate session. We will take one week off each month to join in with the Knights of Columbus Breakfast on Sunday mornings, the third Sunday of each month; to build some opportunities to share our stories, get to know parishioners, and meet the different leaders of various Parish Groups. This group should mostly celebrate Sacraments at the Easter Vigil in April 2025. 

We have a small group of eight entering into full communion with the Catholic Church THIS SUNDAY, September 8 at the 10am Mass! They began classes in January and were so eager to receive Jesus in the Sacraments, they did not want to wait until next Easter! What a great group!


This fall I’m looking back on ten years after Fr. Chas invited me to join the staff at St. John. Things are FINALLY falling into place for some of the Disciple-making plans he first envisioned. We’ve done all sorts of training and presentations through the years with Win, Build, Send; Evangelical Catholic; Amazing Parish; various workshops; our own Gamma Group; one-day-seminars; and so much more. The plans have grown from the roots of Bishop Boyea’s vision for the Diocese: ‘Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord.’ The first steps are nothing new: we will need some Parishioners to simply accompany and occasionally walk along with someone they know, in their circle of influence. DISCIPLE-MAKERS are Parishioners that recognize they are disciples themselves, and they take ownership of the Great Commission to help make more disciples. In this “TIER 1” approach, NOTHING NEW has to be added to the Disciple-Maker’s schedule. Simply invite someone to join you at Mass, with your current Parish events, adoration, Knights, St. Vincent’s, bible studies, and whatever your usual routine. 

Some folks may be willing to do a “TIER 2” commitment: those willing to do something extra, beyond what they are currently doing. Such as lead a Small Group, host an Alpha or Rescue Project, accompany someone as a Sponsor through OCIA, join a new Parish Ministry. We will grow from there. Details are coming soon!

With that Discipleship Plan in mind, walking with others, what sorts of SHORT TERM classes and series would you be most likely to attend? Ignatian Meditation Exercises, Praying with the Psalms, Small Group Leader training, Bible Study tips, Discerning Spirits, Spiritual Warfare, Vatican II Documents, Walk Thru the Mass, Inner Healing, Healing Prayer, Calling Down the Holy Spirit… I will be sending out a SURVEY soon to all of our “regular” attendees with Adult Formation. If you would like to share your voice, let me know and I will send you the survey!   (todd@saintjohnjackson.org)