3rd Sunday of Lent – 3/23/25


On this 3rd Sunday of Lent, Deacon Dave shares how our God is an all consuming fire. When Moses encounters the Lord in the burning bush, it was on fire yet not consumed. The Lord reveals who He is to Moses then, “I AM who am.” God is being itself, a great and profound mystery, … Continued

2nd Sunday of Lent – 3/16/25


During this DSA and 5-4-1 Generosity Challenge Kick-Off weekend, we are encouraged to surrender everything to God so that he can rightly order it! Listen to Fr. Chas’ homily here:

1st Sunday of Lent – 3/9/25


As we begin this Lenten journey, we are reminded by today’s Gospel to enter into the silence of the desert with our Lord. The noise of this world can become a distraction, and we start to lose focus on what is truly important. Fr. Chas invites us to set aside those distractions, and make time … Continued

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 3/2/25


What is your spiritual diet? Do you fill yourself with good things, or with things of this world that drag you down? This Lent, write down and be purposeful with whatever you decide to give up or take up for the season.  Here at St. John, join us on Fridays for Stations of the Cross, … Continued

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 2/23/25


Love is not about how we feel, love is the choice to will the good of another person or to want what is good for another person. Jesus shares with us a very powerful and challenging message today. We are to love our enemies, do good to those who persecute us.  We may think this … Continued