Kerygma Homily Series:  Created, Captured, Rescued, Response


The Kerygma, or basic Gospel Proclamation, can be summarized in four words:  Created, Captured, Rescued, Response.  As Catholics, our knowledge (both head and heart knowledge) of these truths help us draw closer in relationship with the Lord and can help us help others to do the same. So, use this page to “dive into” the Kerygma, coming to “know it”…with awe and wonder and deeper understanding…so that you can start to share it more often, more comfortably, with others!

Our 2020 Kerygma homily series below was inspired by the book Rescued: The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel by Fr. John Riccardo and his work through ACTS XXIX.  In his book Fr. John explains:

“I am more and more enamored of a line attributed to St. Joan of Arc:  ‘I am not afraid. God is with me. I was born for this!’  I pray that wherever you are as you read these words, you will have the same conviction this heroic young woman had centuries ago:  you were born for this moment.  God is creating a masterpiece, and you play an irreplaceable role in this work of art. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a retiree, a high school teacher, a nurse, a cattle rancher, a truck driver, a lawyer, a teenager, or a grocery store clerk, YOU MATTER.  Each of us is meant to be an instrument in his hands to help accomplish his desire.  And his desire is nothing less than to get his children back and to get his world back.” (p 13)

Fr. John’s book can be purchased through the ACTS XXIX website, and reading it will help better equip you to share the basic Gospel Proclamation with others as part of your personal “Response” to the Gospel message.  Find out more or purchase the book here:


And be sure to listen to our series below…


How much is a sextillion?  And how is it that the same God who created that many stars, made us, too, and loves us immensely?

Fr. Chas’ Video Homily: (First Sunday of Advent)



Our second installment of the Kerygma Series,  “Captured,” is the “bad news” of which we must be aware and, in doing so, we come to more fully appreciate the Good News!

Fr. Brian’s Video Homily: (Second Sunday of Advent)



Our homily series continues and Fr. Chas and Fr. Brian explain how baby Jesus comes for a “rescue mission”.

Fr. Chas’ Video Homily: (The Nativity of the Lord)

Fr. Chas’ Audio Homily:


Fr. Brian’s Video Homily: (The Nativity of the Lord)

Fr. Brian’s Audio Homily:


On the Feast of St. John the Evangelist, Fr. Chas wraps up our Kerygma homily series with “Response.”  St. John the Evangelist, pray for us, that we may have the interior and exterior response needed to allow the Lord to heal and rescue us and then share Him with others!

Fr. Chas’ Video Homily:



Ready to more fully accept God’s plan for your life?  To let God use you to rescue others?  To help recreate the world?  Talk to the Lord now…


And be sure to catch this Fr. Riccardo video: