32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11/12/23


Are you “out of oil”?  Today’s Gospel parable reminds us how we need to make our love for God our solitary desire because it is that which orders all our other loves. Fr. Chas’ Homily:

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time, 11/5/23


Does your life have meaning?  The odds are 100% if you choose!  Surrender in humility to the power of Jesus, and He will blow our lives wide open in ways we couldn’t imagine! Fr. Brian’s Homily: 

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 10/29/23


Help us continue the subversive work of the Kingdom here at St. John Parish! Fr. Chas’ Homily: Click here to read the State of the Parish bulletin!      

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 10/22/23


There’s a single reason moral evil exists: loss of identity.  We forget who we are or don’t believe it anymore.  What would happen if we began to identify ourselves for the truth that is, realizing ourselves and each other as the “image of God”? And people do not know they are the image and likeness … Continued

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 10/15/23


We must “put on Christ”…entering into intimate relationship with him as the center of our lives!  The Mass, both nuptial and saving, is where we can tell the Lord that we intend to go the eternal wedding feast. Fr. Chas’ Homily: