Feast of the Holy Family, 12/31/23

As we think about family this day, we are reminded: “Those gifts that are most valuable to give to each other are…the gift of our time and the gift of our love!” Fr. Brian’s Homily:
As we think about family this day, we are reminded: “Those gifts that are most valuable to give to each other are…the gift of our time and the gift of our love!” Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Fr. Brian beautifully depicts two key lessons of Christmas: the need to be loved by God and the need to love like God! Fr. Brian’s Homily: Fr. Chas powerfully reminds us of the way the Lord comes to us into our messiness and our brokenness, entering in as a small infant, vulnerable and united … Continued
The Greek word “kecharitomene” used for “Full of Grace” to describe Mary is a past, present, and future tense all at once! Listen as Dcn. Dave reveals for us a deeper understanding of Luke’s account of the Annunciation! Dcn. Dave’s Homily:
On this Third Week of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, we have the excellent opportunity to Rejoice…for God has loaned us this time. And we are called to be good stewards of our time, to recognize God in our midst…to know, serve, and love Him! Fr. Brian’s Homily:
“Gospel” in Greek is “Euangelion”, or “Good News.” In his Gospel, Mark writes with the same language used to describe Caesar to announce the TRUE Savior! In so doing, Mark invites us to discover the advent of Jesus! Here, Fr. Chas invites us to discover Jesus anew! Fr. Chas’ Homily: