Ascension of the Lord, 5/21/23


In ascending back to Heaven with His glorified body Jesus forever makes His destiny our destiny!  Christ the King didn’t come just as a warrior.  He came also as a bridegroom and wants as many people as possible at the eternal wedding feast of the Lamb!  We are called to help on this “rescue mission” … Continued

6th Sunday of Easter, 5/14/23


Reminiscing of his own mother’s love, Dcn. Dave beautifully weaves in the love of God the Father, and how Jesus fulfills his promise that he does not leave us orphans! Dcn. Dave’s Homily:  

5th Sunday of Easter, 5/7/23


Fr. Brian provides a great examen for any day (every day for that matter):  Of all the things I’ve chosen today, how closely do those things resemble what Jesus did in the Gospel? How can we be sure the the love of God is in us? If we’re doing the works of God the Father! … Continued

4th Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday, 4/30/23


The Good Shepherd never ceases to call out to you!  And He isn’t calling us to superficial glitz and glamor but to greatness and glory.  Which voice in today’s world are your feet following?  Where is the voice of Jesus in your life? Fr. Chas’ Homily:      

3rd Sunday of Easter, 4/23/23


On the road to Emmaus, Jesus “gave the impression that he was going on farther”; in every road to conversion, Jesus makes a second invitation!  Fr. Brian’s Sunday homily was full of nuggets! Be sure to watch it! Fr. Brian’s Homily: