Divine Mercy Sunday, 4/16/23
Shalom…peace I give you, says the Lord! Dcn. Dave’s Homily:
Shalom…peace I give you, says the Lord! Dcn. Dave’s Homily:
Fr. Chas’ Easter Vigil Homily (4/8/23) takes us through tears of sadness from the loss of our dear Fr. Jim to tears of laughter in the joy of the Holy Spirit as we listen to the powerful ways the Lord’s worked in the lives of this year’s neophytes! If you weren’t there, be sure to … Continued
Jesus reminds us through his own actions that it is imperative that the mission that we have in life is going to include following where God leads us even when we feel fearful or unable to do it. Jesus calls us to participate in the salvation of the world! He gives us a spirit of … Continued
The purpose for Lazarus’ rising from the dead was so his (Jesus’) friends would believe who He was. We have a God of surprises! Fr. Chas’ Homily:
The story of the man born blind becomes the image of the entire Christian journey from blindness into sight! Fr. Brian’s Homily: