Feast of the Holy Family, 12/29/24


“The family is meant to be a place that fosters and encourages faith in God.” This Sunday, on the Feast of the Holy Family, Fr. Miguel shares how important family can be in helping us to grow in our relationship with God, and how God truly desires to be with us. Even our small acts … Continued

The Nativity of the Lord, 12/25/24


On this Nativity of our Lord, Fr. Chas invites us all to ponder… “What’s hope?”  Hope is the confident expectation that good is coming. All our hope is fulfilled in Christ, who became small to save us from our sins. To this day, Christ becomes small in the holy Eucharist at each and every altar … Continued

4th Sunday of Advent, 12/22/24


God comes to us! Deacon Dave preaches on this 4th Sunday of Advent about how, throughout time, God comes to his people. Since the beginning of time when, in the garden, God came to Adam. Through the angel Gabriel and the Holy Spirit, God came to Mary. God comes to us, here and now, he … Continued

3rd Sunday of Advent, 12/15/24


Jesus will either be our Savior or judge! This Advent season comes with the invitation to renew and deepen our relationship with the Lord and to invite others to do the same as we “walk with one.” Fr. Chas’ Homily: 

2nd Sunday of Advent – 12/8/24


In this Sunday’s homily, Fr. Chas uses the analogy of the game of football, American football that is, to express how we are to prepare the way of the Lord in this Advent season.  Just as the offensive line in football blocks the defense to clear the way for their teammate to run with the … Continued