5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2/5/23


Practice “the presence of God” this week!  Remember that along with our good deeds, even simple acts like a walk or petting your dog can be given to God in a way that is salvific to the world! To find out how, catch Fr. Brian’s homily here:  

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 1/29/23


The Beatitudes remind us that we are made for the life of God and sharing in his blessed life!  With that, we are called to join his rescue mission.  Find details about The Rescue Project and our upcoming season on our homepage!   Fr. Chas’ Homily:

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 1/22/23


Jesus calls each of us!  The scene along the shore in this weekend’s Gospel is one that every human heart is invited to:  the full surrender of your life to Christ.  Passing through this threshold can seem difficult; surrender is a daily decision. And so we pray, “Jesus, just help me love you today!” Fr. … Continued

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 1/15/23


We got a “two-fer” this weekend!  Catch both Fr. Ryan Riley’s and Dcn. Dave’s homily here! Fr. Ryan Riley’s Homily: “We are called to imitate who we celebrate!” Dcn. Dave’s Homily: “Here am I, Lord, I come to do your will!”

The Epiphany of the Lord, 1/8/23


…And the Magi departed back to their country another way…their lives had been changed. On this Epiphany, we, too, are invited to open our hearts more deeply to the Lord! To do so, here’s a brief prayer: I believe in you, Jesus, and I love you. Thank you for the gift of yourself at Christmas, … Continued